Saturday, March 18, 2023

Will Cheerleaders Be Next Ronnie?


A cornerstone of fascist governor Ron DeSantis's culture war philosophy of not only making Florida "free" but also to shore up support among the redneck supermajority in the state, has been his attack on drag queens and drag shows.  Somehow this sophomoric twit thinks that being exposed to drag queens harms children.

Ronnie conveniently forgets that he grew up watching episodes of MASH where Corporal Max Clinger regularly wore women's clothing. So too did Flip Wilson as he assumed the character of "Geraldine" on his long-ago variety show.  Did Ronnie himself become a sexual pervert because he watched men wearing women's clothing?  No more so than anyone else but attacking people for being themselves seems to be a hallmark of Republican authoritarianism.

Through all of this, Ronnie and the rest of the Republican Party have failed to focus on a real issue.  Cheerleaders.  A friend recently pointed out that Cheerleaders are much more scantily clad than drag queens and they make many fewer suggestive moves.  Children of all ages are exposed to Cheerleaders at all sort of sports events.  I remember as long ago as the 5th grade when girls in my class were practicing to be Cheerleaders.  Could it be that Cheerleaders are the ones grooming children?  When will Ronnie and the Republicans stop them?

Not to be outdone in the grooming department, the Carolina Panthers football team recently hired its first transgender cheerleader.  The horror!  And what about this shocking revelation that the National Football League maintained a video database of cleavage shots, butts, and breasts of cheerleaders!  I don't think I have heard of any databases of cleavage shots among drag queens.  Why the difference?

Its high time that the fascist Hitler-wannabe in Tallahassee and his henchmen took action to protect children from cheerleaders!  In its infinite wisdom the Florida legislature is proposing a bill that would impose a $10,000 fine on people who take children to drag shows.  Once it passes lets have similar legislation that imposes the same fine on adults who take their children to watch the suggestive moves of cheerleaders.  They too are posing a public menace and only Republican authoritarianism can put a stop to this.

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