Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Letter to the Internal Revenue Service

I found the letter below while cleaning out some files today. This letter accompanied a personal check for $87.00 that was in addition to more than $19,800 I had already paid in through payroll deductions to satisfy my tax obligation for the 2007 tax year. As you will note by the time you get to the end of the letter, none of the things I requested happened but it was still nice to try.

About a year later in I filled out an application for "membership" in Sam's Club. While filling it out the employee helping me asked how it was possible that I was retired and still so young. I told her that the retirement system in the Federal government I was under allowed me to leave with 30 years of service at 55 years of age, so I left. She snorted and said "ah, ha! my tax dollars at work." I replied "ma'am, I paid almost $20,000 in taxes just to the Federal government last year. How much did you pay?" She glared at me and walked away.

February 7, 2008

United States Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service Center
Atlanta, Georgia 39901-0114

Dear Internal Revenue Service

Attached to my Form 1040EZ is a check for $87.00 to cover the additional taxes I owe above and beyond the $19,833.02 in Federal taxes that were taken out of my check through payroll deductions throughout the year.

That means my total Federal tax paid in 2007 was $19920.02. I thought Bush’s tax cuts were supposed to help the middle class? Oh, wait. His tax cuts help only the top 1 percent of Americans. How silly of me to forget.

With this letter and my additional payment of $87.00 for a total of $19920.02 paid to the Treasury this year I have a simple request.

NONE of these funds are to be used by the Failure in Chief in the White House or any of his clones to facilitate the killing of one more American kid in Iraq. NONE of these funds are to be used by the Failure in Chief in the White House or any of his clones to kill one more innocent Iraqi’by American forces. NONE of these funds are to be used to transport another American kid from any military base to any post in the world where Bush claims we are fighting his war on “turism.” Furthermore, NONE of these funds are to be used by the Department of Homeland Surveillance to harass travelers at airports. NONE of these funds are to be used by the Department of Homeland Surveillance or the National Security Agency to listen in on private phone calls between law abiding citizens just because the Failure in Chief thinks they might be a turist. NONE of these funds are to be used by the CIA or any other agency to torture innocent Arabic people sequestered without habeas corpus at Guantanamo Bay Cuba. NONE of these funds are to be used by any cretin in the Justice Department who wants to jerk around sitting United States Attorney’s who are deemed to not be loyal Bushies.

In fact, NONE of these $19920.02 are to be used for any purpose other than to help the less fortunate in this country. That’s the purpose of government – to help people – not to turn the nation into a god damned police state.

Thanks for passing this message on to the Failure in Chief. Luckily for America one year from today that bastard will be out of office and hopefully in the Hague Netherlands sitting in his war crimes trial with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Feith, Rice, Wolfowitz and the rest of those deceitful creeps.

Come to think of it IRS, I want all of my taxes paid in 2007 to be applied to prosecuting Bush and the rest of the criminals in his administration. OK?

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